Change “Decode as…” of a port range in Wireshark

When analyzing a network capture it is common to need to change how a stream is being treated by Wireshark, either because the port assignment is dynamic or is not supported, or both.

It is possible to change this, one stream at a time, and each time the whole capture needs to be rescanned. This time can add up.

This is an example of how to change the internal dissector of a UDP port range (30000-60000) to RTP.

Open the menu, Tools > Lua Console

Paste this code:

local udp_port = DissectorTable.get("udp.port")
local rtp = Dissector.get("rtp")
udp_port:add("30000-60000", rtp)

Click Evaluate

It will rescan the file and all UDP streams in the range will be interpreted as an RTP stream.

This was based on the example available here:

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